TC is an integrated editor-compiler-linker-debugger environment. During develop- ment the user's project is maintained in a PROJECT file, whose name is normally given the "pi" symbol extension (option-p in Geneva font). This file keeps track of all the source files, header files, and libraries which make up the program, and also stores the object code for all the files which have compiled successfully to speed linking. The project file, headers, and sources are usually kept together in a folder.
Similar to the UNIX 'make' utility, Think C decides which source files will require recompilation due to changes to source or header files.
When beginning a new project, the user must "add" to the project his/her source files, by choosing "Add..." from the "Source" menu. Header files are not added since after preprocessing these become part of the referencing source file(s).
The user must also "Add..." all the required function libraries, which are provided in precompiled form. For example, the ANSI library (or ANSI-881 for machines using the 68881 math coprocessor ΓÇö make sure TC's compilation options are set correctly) contains all the ANSI standard functions for I/O, string handling, math, and memory